ICB Wayland

Funeral Arrangements

In the event of a Muslim's death, we suggest you contact Imam Talal Eid of Islamic Institute of Boston who provides funeral services and arrangements. Imam Eid can be reached at his mobiles (617) 365-7427 (please use judiciously) or email iteid@iiboston.net.

Alternately, you may contact Al-Marhama Burial Services at almarhama@almarhama.org or (617) 606-2062. You may also contact one of the funeral homes below who have arrangements with Muslim men and women to provide washing and shrouding services at their funeral homes.

Muslim Section at Forest Hills Cemetery:
ICB Wayland has a limited number of burial plots available in the Muslim section of Forest Hills Cemetery at 95 Forest Hills Avenue, Boston, MA 02130.

The Islamic Lot is located on Bell Avenue - Section 37

Forest Hills Cemetery inside directions: From the main gate immediately bear left, driving past Receiving Tomb (the flag pole will be on the right hand side). This avenue is Consecration Avenue which will merge automatically into Rockwood Avenue. Left on to Yew Avenue. Right on Bell Avenue and drive past Gumwood Avenue. The Islamic Lot is right on Bell Avenue at the tail end of Section 37 (see the highlighted Cemetery Map).

For more information, availability and price send an email to cemetery@icbwayland.org

Funeral Homes:
The following are some of the funeral homes that accomodate Muslim procedures of ghusal (washing) etc. Kindly first check with whoever is helping with the burial services for his/her preference and convenience.
George Lopes Funeral Home
821 Cummins Hwy
Mattapan, MA 02126
(617) 298-3432
The owner, George Salih Lopes (508-326-8136), performs washing services for men and can arrange it for women.
Faggas Funeral Service
553 Mount Auburn Street
Watertown, MA 02472
(800) 222-2586
The funeral home has made arrangements with Muslim men and women who perform washing services for men and women, respectively.
Note: ICB does not have special arrangements with any funeral home and is not responsible for their services.

Emergency Contacts:
In case of an emeregncy, the following ICB volunteers can be contacted to provide information about the cemetery and the funeral arrangements. Please be considerate in contacting people at their home or mobile numbers and these should only be used in case of an extreme emergency:

  • Aijaz Baloch (617) 388 9922 (Mobile) SMS is preferred.
  • Muneeb Khan (978) 376-7789 (Mobile) SMS is preferred.


A Guide for the Muslim Funeral