ICB Wayland

Friday Prayers

Khutbah 1:00pm, Iqamah 1:30pm
Oct 11 Bilal Kaleem

ICB Newsletter

February 2024

  • Read past newsletters HERE


    "O mankind! Lo!, We have created you from male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. Lo! the noblest of you, in the sight of God, is the best in conduct. Lo! God is Knower, Aware" The Holy Quran, Chapter 49, Verse 13


    Sunday School

    About ICB Sunday School

    Support ICB

    ICB needs your financial help to support ongoing facilities maintenance and organize educational programs. Please donate generously.
    Donate Online Now

    Request for Dua

    To request dua after Friday prayers for a community member who is ill or has passed away. Please complete the
    Online Dua Request Form


    ICB Wayland welcomes individuals and groups to visit our Center, and we also try our best to provide speakers or representatives for a variety of local interfaith events in Eastern Mass.
    Schedule a Visit or Request a Speaker Visit You

    Facilities Booking

    ICB facilities including the prayer hall, social hall and kitchen are available for use by members and the community at large.
    More Information and Online Booking