ICB Wayland


Membership of the Islamic Center of Boston is not required to use services provided by the center. However, in order to hold an office on the Board of Directors of the center or to vote in the general body meetings of the center one has to be a member of the center. Membership of the center is open to all people who are in agreement with its mission and who meet its membership requirements.

The center has three categories of membership:

Regular Members:
A person may become a regular member, with full voting rights and voting privileges, provided that she/he:

  1. is a Muslim or spouse of a Muslim
  2. is at least 18 years of age or older

Youth Members:
A child of a regular member of the center may become a youth member, with full rights and voting privileges, provided that she/he:
  1. is at least 18 years of age or older
  2. is enrolled in a full time program of studies in an educational institution
Kindly email Treasurer if you want to become a Youth Member with names of your parents who are members of the center.

Junior Members:
A child of a regular member of the center who is less than 18 years old shall be automatically enrolled as a junior member with full privileges and rights, except for the right to vote and the right to stand for an office.

For more details and questions, email the Secretary of the center.

To join ICB Wayland's Email List, send an email to emaillist@icbwayland.org
Become a Member

Download, complete and mail
Membership Form (PDF)

If there are no changes to your membership information, you may renew your membership online. If the information on your credit card or PayPal account is different than your membership, please add a note for treasurer prior to checkout.

Please select the fee from drop menue and click Add to Cart. The fee charged by PayPal is members' responsibility and has been added to each membership category fee.

Membership Fees:

To make an additional donation kindly visit our DONATIONS PAGE.